Wednesday, November 12, 2008

This week, I discovered It's great! I've registered for some housewares at different stores (see "registries" in the side bar). But there were some things I wanted at stores that don't have online registries. GAH! What's a girl to do? will create a registry from all stores that sell things online. You create a bookmark on your bookmark toolbar to a specific address for adding to the registry. Then, when you're on the product page of something you want to register for, you simply click the bookmark, and it loads a popup. It tries to gather product information from the store's website, but doesn't always get it right or complete. So then, you enter the information manually. You can choose any image on the page to be the product image that shows on your registry. THEN, people can look up your "myregistry" and buy you anything you want! It's the coolest!

I have already created mine, with the things from the other stores I've registered for as well as some no-online-registry things. Check it out! The password is "kenya."

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