Rodgers is allowed more checked baggage than I am. Also, he won't have Nate with him. So, he's taking some of Nate's stuff that we won't need in England. We will need most of it, though. Sigh.
carseat: Cat found us a carseat to use in England so we don't have to fly with ours!
clothes: 1 outfit per day, a couple of pjs, and socks for each outfit, lots of bibs and burp cloths. I'm taking all the cute outfits to England, and Rodgers has a handful of onesies. I'm taking travel packets of laundry detergent so that we can wash because I'm sure we'll go through more than 1 outfit some days. I am also taking his swimsuit and a few swim diapers, just in case we have use for them. We have 2 extra-cute outfits for wedding day, just in case one gets covered in spitup or poo.
diapers: Rodgers will buy diapers at Nakumat when he gets to Kenya, but I'll take a whole package (48) with me. I guess we could buy diapers in England as well, hmm... I'm taking 1 full package of wipes. I think it will last the whole time. If not, we'll make another trip to Nakumat.
food: We are each packing 1 can of formula, 1 tub of baby food per day (me the England days, Rod the Kenya days), and a ziploc with 1 Tbsp of cereal per day. I'm taking 3 bottles in my checked bag, bottle brush, and a small bottle of dish soap (though maybe Rod should take that since we'll likely only need it at the hotel in Kenya), and
mesh feeder. In my carryon will be 1 Playtex Drop-in bottle with 2 nipples and plenty of sleeves (so I won't have to wash bottles, just nipples), in addition to enough formula for the flights and layovers.
sleeping: On roadtrips, we take the Pack-n-Play. For this trip, Cat is going to attempt to find something for Nate in England. For Kenya, we're taking a
travel bed/bag/changing pad combo dealy, and we'll use it in Englad if we need to. I will take one of our flannel feeling waterproof pads, a quilt, and a couple of thermal blankets. Nate will have one pacifier on him when we get on the plane, I'll have one in my carryon, and a third in my checked bag. We tend to lose them (we have 6 NB pacis and currently know where 4 of them are, but yesterday I could only find 2), so maybe Rodgers should take one, too.
baths/toiletries: Shampoo, body wash, lotion, plus a few washcloths and a towel, Desitin, sunblock (Neutrogena Pure & something), Tylenol, Mylicon, teething tablets, gripe water, saline spray, bulb syringe, clippers, and thermometer. The teething tablets, at lesat, will be carried on; the rest may be checked. I'm going to talk with the doctor on Thursday about bug spray. I have some California Baby bug spray, but we'll see if doc's ok with that, and if it actually does any good. I may buy one of those clip on bug repellant deallies and wear it myself, keeping Nate within the circle of protection.
toys: He's not a big toy guy yet. He enjoys playing with a towel as much as anything. We'll have his razzberry teether in my carryon (which is his teether of choice currently), his lovey and elephant in my checked bag (they're noisy), and his stuffed lamb in my carryon.
various items to carry on: A
4 compartment formula dispenser and his
stacking food storage thing. In the airports, Nate will be in the
Baby Bjorn. I may also pack our
sling, but don't think it will be in the carryon. From London to Nairobi Nate should eat some solids, but not from Houston to London. It would be easier to have him all on formula during the flights, which is what I'm considering doing. I'll carryon our
diaper wallet, because that will be easy to grab and go to the airplane restroom for changes. The quilt I'm taking will be in the carryon so that, even with our minimal layovers on the way out, if there is any time in the airport for Nate to get down on the floor, he can. I should have a full change of clothes for myself in the carryon as well. As close quarters as Nate and I will be in, it's likely I will either be covered in spit up or become the victim of a poosplosion. Also in my carryon will be Nate's and my passports, as well as my camera. Rodgers is taking the camcorder so that he can shoot some video of the mission trip.
So that's Nate. And...I still have to pack for myself, too!