Monday, August 11, 2008


Since I am a designer and you can have things printed pretty cheaply at Kinko's, I've decided we should make our own invitations. I haven't found any pre-made invitations that I really loved, anyway, so it's a good solution. The only problem remaining is figuring out exactly what I want.

I've seen couples making a heart with their hands (the left hand of one and right hand of the other). I think it's really romantic and sweet. So I'm thinking of incorporating that into our invitations. Of course, I would use our actual hands, but until we take that picture, I'm using one I found online as a sample. I also like these curly lines that don't really have any meaning. I think they're pretty. But to go with the font I chose, I think I might have to use daintier curls.

My first attempt. The red line is 1/4" from the edge of the page. (The black line isn't part of it, just separates the image from the rest of the blog.) This would open up as a normal fold-in-half card, and the invitation copy would be inside. If you click the image, you can see it full size.

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