Monday, August 9, 2010

our trip! stories from England.

We left home before lunch. Mom dropped us off at the airport, and our adventure began!

Our flight arrived late Thursday morning. Because of Nate I was allowed to go through the very short permanent resident line at immigration to get our visas, rather than the super long line I should have been in. Olly and Cat met us outside of customs.

After a pitstop for shower, coffee, changing Nate, etc. at Olly's parents' house, we drove out to Somerset. We drove right past Stonehenge. We didn't get out to look more closely because the view from the road is actually pretty good, and you can't get very close to the stones anyway. I didn't take a picture, but it would have looked something like this:

I tried on my dress for the wedding that afternoon. It was tight in the waist, even with my tummy sucking undergarments, but it fit surprisingly well. (Picture is from Saturday morning.)

Nate slept well until about 11 pm, when he started waking up every 10-15 minutes. I brought him to bed with me, and he slept until about 5 am.

Cat had some pampering scheduled in the morning in Wells. Bethany (maid of honour, BFF, sister weekends, former flatmate), Nate, and I went with her to Wells, and toured the cathedral while Cat was being pampered. We taught Nate that if he does something important enough in his life, his tomb will become a tourist attraction like the ones at the cathedral.

After Cat was done, we went to Cheddar. We sampled cheddar cheese from Cheddar, then I had to choose between cream tea and fish and chips for lunch. I chose cream tea, and it was an excellent choice.

The wedding rehearsal was that evening, followed by dinner of courgettes (zucchini) at home. Emma and Ruth had arrived for the wedding, so they hung out with us. It was very good times!

Nate was back on his schedule for the most part Friday, but still had trouble staying asleep around midnight, so he slept with me again.

Wedding day!

The wedding was beautiful. Nate did well sitting with Mother and Father Weekends during the ceremony. The reception was lovely as well. It was a very long day, though.

The toasts were particularly entertaining. Father Weekends, the best man, and Olly all gave little speeches and made toasts. My favorite part was when Olly started getting sappy talking about Cat. Right at the climax of sappiness, Nate spit up a massive amount, as if in response to the gross amount of romantic sentiment. That's my boy! Olly noticed which made it all the more awesome.

The bride and groom went off on their honeymoon, and Olly's parents took Nate and me home with them, so that his mom could drop us off at the airport Sunday morning.

Nate spent the whole night in the pack and play. I don't know whether it was from being super tired or if he was getting used to the new time zone and not being in his own bed. Whatever it was, I was so thankful for a full night's sleep.

Airport, flying, arrival in Kenya!

Next: our trip! stories from Kenya.

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